Awards Galore!

From today (Wednesday 20th June) I will have no internet for about 2 weeks. Please still feel free to comment or send a message and I will get back to you as soon as I’m back! I have organised for some posts to auto-post, sorry if this doesn’t work!

Since I received ‘The Versatile Blogger Award‘ I have received 3 more Versatile Blogger Awards, 3 ‘One Lovely Blog’ Awards, and one ‘Sunshine Award’! Wow! I can’t begin to tell you all what this means to me!

I’m not going to do another post nominating blogs as it will mostly be the same people I have already nominated, but since I’ve got so many I just wanted to acknowledge them!

My Versatile Blogger Award’s are from: Divine Debris, DD Lolly Babe, and Hannah Achroyd
My Sunshine Award is from: Such the like
And my One Lovely Blog awards are from: Such the like, Wool Hogs, and A Little Bit of This and That

Thank you so much everyone!!

Hope your all having a lovely week, see you when we finally have internet back!

Sam xx


The Versatile Blogger Award

Wow! I have been nominated as a versatile blogger by The Stitch Sharer, thank you so much! I have seen this award around a lot but since my blog is so new I didn’t expect to receive one at all!

The rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award – Done! Thank you again :) I would recommend you visit her blog, it’s lovely and has great crochet tips!

2. Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award

3. Say 7 things about yourself:

  1. I have been crocheting for 2 years and knitting for about 6 months
  2. I started crocheting by subscribing to The Art Of Crochet magazine. It was a really good way to learn! Each week you get a ball of yarn and a pattern to make a square which will eventually make a lovely throw! It also comes with other patterns and tips – I would really recommend it for both begginers and people who have been crocheting for a long time!
  3. I still haven’t completed the throw – oops!
  4. I am planning on opening an etsy shop in a few months
  5. I am currently designing patterns for my shop :)
  6. I have a long-term illness and I’m currently in the process of building up my health and strength after being severely ill and bedbound for a year
  7. I have a very old rabbit called Daisy and two little mice called Chocolate and Strawberry! We did have a kitten called Poppy but she was a bit vicious and seemed to be obsessed with attacking me, especially my face, so we had to give her away… We’re hoping to get another cat soon, hopefully a nice calm one ;)

 Thank you again for the award, and thank you to all my readers and followers! I really appreciate all the comments and views, and I’m really enjoying sharing my life with you :)

Sam xx