Etsy Finds – Birthday Edition

Today’s Etsy Finds is a special edition as it was my birthday on Thursday! I have selected a range of things that I would have loved to receive ^_^

page - Birthday 2014
Here are the links:
3 Bath Cookies
Cat Mug In Back Or White (I NEED this!!)
Fondant Giraffe Cake Topper (I had to include a giraffe ;) )
Candy Birthday Card
Happy Birthday Cake Banner
Personalised Birthstone Necklace (This is beautiful)
Crackle Glass Earrings
Double Flap Clutch (I really want this, it’s so pretty and useful!)
Sleepy Time Epic Vegan Lip Balm (My lips are really sore at the moment so this would come in handy!)

As always, if you have an Etsy shop and would like to be featured in a future post leave me a comment :)

Sam xx